3M Protecta Harness
Level Alert: Immediate Action Required
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3M™ PELTOR™ X Series P5E Hard Hat Attached Electrically Insulated Earmuffs

3M Hearing Solutions is issuing a “Stop Use” of specific combinations of 3M™ PELTOR™ X Series P5E Hard Hat Attached Electrically Insulated Earmuffs with various 3M™ and non-3M™head protection products

As part of 3M's ongoing commitment to delivering high quality safety equipment, we are notifying our customers of the following stop use communication relating to combinations of 3M™ PELTOR™ X Series P5E Hard Hat Attached Electrically Insulated Earmuffs with various 3M™ and non-3M™head protection products. During recent internal testing related to product aging, we found a decrease in earmuff headband force over time when the P5E attachment arm is used in combination with certain head protection products. In response to this new learning, 3M is updating the compatibility information related to 3M™ PELTOR™ P5E earmuffs and approved head protection products.

In ANSI S3.19-1974 standard testing, the 3M™ PELTOR™ X Series P5E Hard Hat Attached Electrically Insulated Earmuffs continue to meet requirements.  There have been no reports of injuries, accidents, or complaints associated with this issue.

End Users  

To determine if your 3M™ PELTOR™ X Series P5E Hard Hat Attached Electrically Insulated Earmuffs are affected, please follow the steps listed below:

Step 1: Locate the model description on the earmuff cup as seen (see P5 detail in red box in the earmuff pictures on the right shon in teh file link down below), if the cup model is listed on Table 1 in the appendix, continue to Step 2a & 2b.

If cup model is not listed on Table 1 in the attached file down below, your product is not affected, and you may continue to use your product as called out in the user instructions.

Step 2a & 2b:
Users who have a 3M head protection; Locate the model description on the head protection product (see picture on the attached file down below), if the head protection product is listed on Table 2, continue to Step 3.

2b: Users with a Non-3M head protection; Visually inspect the P5E installed on your head protection product to determine if an interference is occurring while in the usage position. If the earmuff hardhat attachment is contacting the hardhat as seen in the photos to the right in the attached file, continue to Step 3.

If the head protection product is not listed on Table 2 or not experiencing interference while in usage position, your product is not affected, and may continue to use your product as called out in the user instructions.

Step 3: If your 3M earmuff and 3M head protection product are listed on the tables in the appendix or interference is occurring while in the position as shown in the pictures to the right, the product combination you are using is no longer considered compatible and should not be used in combination. 3M has the following options available to address this compatibility issue:

Users that do not require electrically insulated products: 3M will replace your P5E earmuff attachment arms with 3M™ PELTOR™ Hard Hat Earmuff P3E attachment arms at no cost.

Users that require electrically insulated products: If you need electrically insulated earmuffs, 3M will provide new P5E attachment arms at no cost.  New attachment arms will need to be installed and used on a compatible head protection solution (see www.3m.com/earmuff_techbulletin).

Step 4: To request one of the replacement options for your P5E, visit go.3M.com/PeltorP5EHeadCompatibilityNotice to view the details on available options and complete the electronic intake form.

3M Protecta Harness
Level Alert: Inspection
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Protecta Harness Inspection

3M Fall Protection has identified a limited number of Protecta Harnesses where the harness webbing is not routed through the adjuster. This condition results in the adjuster not being able to be adjusted or does not lock in place after adjustments have been made.

The assembly error is believed to affect only a limited number of units and has been corrected.

There have been no accidents or injuries related to this issue. This manufacturing issue will result in the harness not performing properly in the event of a fall, which could result in severe injury or death. Due to this, we are sending out an inspection notice so this issue can be detected by inspecting the harness as shown in the document down below.


Protection contre les chutes 3M a découvert que, sur un nombre limité de Harnais Protecta, les courroies du harnais ne sont pas insérées dans le dispositif de réglage. Par conséquent, le dispositif de réglage ne peut pas être ajusté ou ne se verrouille pas après avoir été ajusté. On estime que cette erreur d’assemblage ne touche qu’un nombre limité d’unités et celle-ci a été corrigée.

 Aucun accident ni aucune blessure liés àce problème n’ont été signalés. Ce problème de fabrication entraînera un mauvais fonctionnement du harnais en cas de chute, ce qui pourrait entraîner des blessures graves ou la mort.Pour cette raison, nous envoyons un avis d’inspection afin que ce problème puisse être détecté en inspectant le harnais comme indiqué ci-dessous.

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